Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Wild Blackberries

I have discovered a plethora of wild blackberry bushes on the property.  My parents have one plant near their house and I was able to get several cups of delicious berries during harvest time.

If one wild plant has yields like that, what will several dozen plants yield?  I may try transplanting a few of these plants closer to the house to make harvesting more convenient.  The problem is these wild blackberry varieties should not be located near the ones I planted, because they will cross-pollinate and mess with the yield of my blackberry crops.

To increase the yield of the wild blackberries, I will try several things:
1- Remove weeds around the bushes.
2- Set up mini-trellis systems.
3- Install a small fence/net around the bushes.  To mitigate damage from birds, deer and hogs (I really doubt I can do this~ and I think these pests will be the bushes worst enemy)

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